ID #1100

How to configure network for 'Colama RDE' in private subnet.

1) scenario server having two nic

1.a) To make server capable of giving IP and resolving name query it requires to configure dnsmasq on server with ‘B’ class IP range. Following are the steps to configure it.
    a) change FQDN in /etc/hosts file.
        change line “ localhost” to “ Colama”
        where “” is FQDN, and “Colama” is host name
    b) change host name in /etc/hostname file, set it to ‘Colama’, and reboot machine to reflect changes.
    c) install dnsmasq, and configure it.
        To extract installer tarball use “tar -zxvf Colama_installer.tar.gz”
        change directory to infracc_installer/preinstaller “cd infracc_installer/preinstaller”
        execute script as root “sudo bash ./” this will install dnsmasq.
        setup configuration of dnsmasq “sudo bash ./”

1.b) To make network capable of accessing outside world it requires to configure nat-ing on server.
    a) configure nating.
        To add routing rules “sudo bash ./” it will list available interface to select external interface,

        there select eth1 to make it external nic.

1.c) Configure upstream resolver.
    a) open /etc/dnsmasq-upstream-resolv.conf and change nameserver IP to your external DNS server IP.

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