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5 search results
- Machine management: When is a virtual machine deployment marked as "Failed"? Answer: Sometimes a virtual machine deployment request could fail because of space constraints. When this happens the status of the virtual machine is marked as "Failed" ...
- Workspace Management: What are "Stale" entries in the deployed sessions list? Answer: Description The system keeps track of the state of every deployed machine via a set of cooperating processes on the set of servers including the colama ...
- Networking: How do I access the shared home directory? Answer: Accessing the shared home directory is involves joining a workgroup and using the work group credentials. Just after deployment start your machine and grab the console. For ...
- Installation: How to improve performance of Windows 7 deployed in Colama RDE? Answer: The easiest way to speed up Windows 7 is to shut down and disable non required services. We have compiled a list of services that ...
- Machine management: How to add extra disk (HDD) in existing virtual machine? Answer: To add add disk to a machine, go to deployment page and open a vm configuration (Edit config) copy existing disk tag and pest it below ...